The /logs-channel command lets you designate a text channel for logging important actions such as wallet connections, role assignments, and role revocations, providing transparency and effective management of user activities in your server.
/logs-channel - The /logs-channel command logs wallet connections and role changes.
The SafeWallet bot keeps track of all important actions, such as when a user connects their wallet or when roles are assigned or revoked. You can use the /logs-channel command to specify a text channel where all these logs will be sent.
Wallet Connection: When a user connects a wallet, this action is automatically logged.
Role Assignment: If a role is assigned to a user, this information is recorded, allowing you to see which user received which role.
Role Revocation: If a user's role is revoked, this information is also sent to the specified channel.
By setting a text channel for logs with this command, you can monitor all important actions in your server in real-time, making your management processes more transparent.